so i spent a good chunk of the afternoon (yes, i admit i should have been focusing on spreadsheet conversions and other good things) fending darren off. he's convinced that him and i should become some sort of 'item' or something. says he's been in love with me for years. i'm not convinced. i think he just wants things that he can't have. however, it is lovely to have someone say nice things about you for the better part of 2.5 hours. my question is this: why don't the guys i actually *want* to date have this reaction to me?
don't get me wrong. darren's a great guy. super handsome. but, i don't know, there's too much baggage associated with it. not to mention the fact that he currently HAS a girlfriend. minor point there. really great way to build trust in me... having this conversation while dating someone.
so i took i to my voice of reason; my sounding board; my buddha on the hill - mike b. he speculates that perhaps i DO have this reaction on men i want to date. i just don't notice it. my counter to this statement would have to be the fact that i am, actually, single. nice theory though. i'd ask nick but, um, there's no way in hell i'd ask nick.
megs and pam and i had a giddy girl fest this afternoon. ben went home sick, jen was on a personal day, and none of the three of us felt like working at all. it was really nice, actually - like it used to be before the pressure and the politics started to get to everyone. pam's lots of fun when she's not freaking out about her work and about keeping everyone happy all the time. i had such a wicked day at her house when i catered for her. unfortunately, with such strong personalities it's hard to maintain the lightness of the moments for much longer than that - a moment.
The messages I write to myself are terrifying.
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