so i burned a cd for nick cause he asked me to.. and i printed out that little quote from my last blog - the journey to ithaca. it sort of illustrates neatly my way of dealing with the stuff we were talking about the other nite... anyhoo. brought it down this morning to give to him... promptly regressed to my geeky high school years when i was in the throes of an adolescent crush and forced into a position where i actually had to *speak* to said crush. i hate that... i was handing it to him, blushing like a fiend, explaining what it was, and running away all at the same time. i can only pray that my little schoolgirl outfit redeemed rather than compounded the issue... sucks though cause i've never had this problem with him before... mind you, i guess spooning will change the nature of your friendship, at least a little. (it was the spooning. that's it. nothing else.)
ug my chest hurts. i'm getting a chest cold, i believe. mike b. and i have decided to blame rori. henceforth, all bad things that happen to me will be the fault of rori. let it be known.
The messages I write to myself are terrifying.
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